no se si esta bien ponerlo en esta seccion ....buscando en internet me encontre con estos videos del open course ware del MIT...creo que esta la coleccion llegué a verlos todos pero parecen que estan buenos... como para un repaso de secundaria o para ingreso al primer año de la facu creo... tal vez a alguien le sirva
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Course Description
8.01 is a first-semester freshman physics class in Newtonian Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, and Kinetic Gas Theory. In addition to the basic concepts of Newtonian Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, and Kinetic Gas Theory, a variety of interesting topics are covered in this course: Binary Stars, Neutron Stars, Black Holes, Resonance Phenomena, Musical Instruments, Stellar Collapse, Supernovae, and you will be allowed a peek into the intriguing Quantum World.
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Course Description
8.01 is a first-semester freshman physics class in Newtonian Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, and Kinetic Gas Theory. In addition to the basic concepts of Newtonian Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, and Kinetic Gas Theory, a variety of interesting topics are covered in this course: Binary Stars, Neutron Stars, Black Holes, Resonance Phenomena, Musical Instruments, Stellar Collapse, Supernovae, and you will be allowed a peek into the intriguing Quantum World.