En varios países algunas compañías comercializan lo que llaman "detectores moleculares". Estos artefactos no son otra cosa que un mango de plástico y una varilla movil. Dicen lo fabricantes que funcionan como detectores de sustancias, por ejemplo (afirman), sirven a las fuerzas de seguridad para la detección de armas, drogas y explosivos. En las fotos aparecen estos "detectores moleculares".

El caso es que estos artefactos son un completo fraude. Hace unos meses fue arrestado el fabricante del ADE651 (uno de los varios "detectores moleculares") por vender los artilugios fraudulentos al gobierno de Afganistán. Otro "detector molecular" (el GT200) fue desacreditado por el gobierno de Tailandia. Se encargó a investigadores de aquel país comprobar la efectividad por una prueba de doble ciego, y resultó que no logró el artefacto mejores resultados que los esperados por azar, lo que es evidencia que no funciona.
Bueno, pero el objetivo de este hilo era analizar precisamente las afirmaciones de los fabricantes sobre el supuesto mecanismo por el que operan estos artefactos desde la ciencia. En una web los fabricantes explicaban su funcionamiento, pero desafortunadamente esa web ya no existe. De todas formas recuperé la información por medio del caché de google. Está aquí:
Me llamaron la atención estos puntos:
Espero que la información anterior pueda ser analizada aquí en el foro. Al menos yo no le encuentro mucho sentido a esta información.
El caso es que estos artefactos son un completo fraude. Hace unos meses fue arrestado el fabricante del ADE651 (uno de los varios "detectores moleculares") por vender los artilugios fraudulentos al gobierno de Afganistán. Otro "detector molecular" (el GT200) fue desacreditado por el gobierno de Tailandia. Se encargó a investigadores de aquel país comprobar la efectividad por una prueba de doble ciego, y resultó que no logró el artefacto mejores resultados que los esperados por azar, lo que es evidencia que no funciona.
Bueno, pero el objetivo de este hilo era analizar precisamente las afirmaciones de los fabricantes sobre el supuesto mecanismo por el que operan estos artefactos desde la ciencia. En una web los fabricantes explicaban su funcionamiento, pero desafortunadamente esa web ya no existe. De todas formas recuperé la información por medio del caché de google. Está aquí:
Me llamaron la atención estos puntos:
4. How does the GT200 works?
The GT200 works on the principal of dia/para magnetism. All substances carry a magnetic charge that, when stimulated by an impulse of electricity, (static) creates an attraction between the substance being detected and the GT200 unit itself. This is called EMA or Electro Magnetic Attraction.
The simple way to explain this technology is to take an inflated balloon and rub it on your hair. A static charge is being created making that balloon "attract" it to say, a wall. Provided that there is enough charge on that balloon, it will remain "attracted" to the wall for an indefinite amount of time. However, once the "charge" has dissipated, the balloon will then "unattached" between itself and fall to the ground.
What the GT200 is doing is creating an "attraction" between itself and the substance it wants to detect. Through the Substance Sensor Card and the movement of an operator, an attracting field is created in the card reader that, in turn causes the Receiver"s antenna of the GT200 to “lock onto†a signal, indicating the direction in which the substance can be located. When the magnetic signal of the substance that the GT200 is searching for, is located within its detection range, the GT200 receiving antenna will move toward the direction that the substance exist. In essence the GT200 functions like a hyper sensitive receiver.
The GT200 works on the principal of dia/para magnetism. All substances carry a magnetic charge that, when stimulated by an impulse of electricity, (static) creates an attraction between the substance being detected and the GT200 unit itself. This is called EMA or Electro Magnetic Attraction.
The simple way to explain this technology is to take an inflated balloon and rub it on your hair. A static charge is being created making that balloon "attract" it to say, a wall. Provided that there is enough charge on that balloon, it will remain "attracted" to the wall for an indefinite amount of time. However, once the "charge" has dissipated, the balloon will then "unattached" between itself and fall to the ground.
What the GT200 is doing is creating an "attraction" between itself and the substance it wants to detect. Through the Substance Sensor Card and the movement of an operator, an attracting field is created in the card reader that, in turn causes the Receiver"s antenna of the GT200 to “lock onto†a signal, indicating the direction in which the substance can be located. When the magnetic signal of the substance that the GT200 is searching for, is located within its detection range, the GT200 receiving antenna will move toward the direction that the substance exist. In essence the GT200 functions like a hyper sensitive receiver.
15 - What is the maximum distance that the GT200 can detect? The detection distance for general search is up to 700 meters. It can detect substances in water (fresh or salt) up to a depth of 850 meter. In the case of buried substance it can detect up to 60 meter deep. For aerial reconnaissance, the distance extends to 4 kilometers.
17 - How can the GT200 operate without any external power source?
Electro-static electricity is very much misunderstood. The GT200 does not require power in order to operate. It requires a very high level of electric current but without amperage. This is why it cannot be mounted in a stationary position to operate. The production of power is generated by the movement of the operator. As the operator walks the perimeter of the defined search area, he (or she) is generating elector-static electricity. As one moves, you can generate power which, at times can be in excess of 2,500-3,000 volts! This in turns power the GT200. The GT200 becomes active and starts to receive signals from the magnetic signature of the targeted substance.
Electro-static electricity is very much misunderstood. The GT200 does not require power in order to operate. It requires a very high level of electric current but without amperage. This is why it cannot be mounted in a stationary position to operate. The production of power is generated by the movement of the operator. As the operator walks the perimeter of the defined search area, he (or she) is generating elector-static electricity. As one moves, you can generate power which, at times can be in excess of 2,500-3,000 volts! This in turns power the GT200. The GT200 becomes active and starts to receive signals from the magnetic signature of the targeted substance.