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efectos de borde

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  • 1r ciclo efectos de borde

    hola me gustaría saber si existe alguna manera de calcular los efectos de borde de un material cargado a un potencial, en especial para unas placas paralelas cargadas a diferentes potenciales
    lo pregunto porque quería resolverlo computacionalmente para realizar una gráfica
    muchas gracias
    un saludo
    Un saludo

    si me equivoco hacédmelo saber

  • #2
    Re: efectos de borde

    Escrito por kyubirr Ver mensaje
    hola me gustaría saber si existe alguna manera de calcular los efectos de borde de un material cargado a un potencial, en especial para unas placas paralelas cargadas a diferentes potenciales
    lo pregunto porque quería resolverlo computacionalmente para realizar una gráfica
    En un libro electrónico de ejemplos de electromagnetismo para Mathcad (Visual Electromagnetics for Mathcad, Keith W. Whites) se menciona un método que nunca he terminado de conseguir el tiempo para investigarlo. Te copio un fragmento del texto:

    As discussed in Section 3.9 of the text, a simple analytical solution for the parallel-plate capacitor shown in the figure below is only possible when the "fringing fields" are neglected. In such an instance, the electric field is assumed constant between the plates (and zero outside) and the field lines point vertically from one plate to the other. Consequently, the surface charge on both plates is constant (i.e., uniform).

    Such an approximate method was used in the text since there is no simple, exact analytical solution for this parallel-plate geometry. In lieu of this, we will apply an advanced numerical technique called the moment method (MM) to compute the surface charge density on the plates. Once the surface charge is known, the capacitance will be determined and the absolute potential and electric fields will be plotted in space.

    The purpose of this worksheet is to visualize this surface charge density as well as the potential and electric fields. This worksheet is not intended to teach the implementation of the moment method. This numerical technique is far too complex to be understood in a single Mathcad worksheet. However, some basic elements of the moment method are discussed only so that you can effectively use the worksheet to investigate this problem.

    In the MM, each plate is divided into many small square cells as shown in the figure above. The surface charge density is presumed to be constant in each of these cells. However, the amplitude of the surface charge can vary from cell to cell. By constructing a system of linear equations, the amplitudes of the surface charge in each of the cells is determined using the MM.

    La hoja de Mathcad viene acompañada por unos archivos de ejemplo con los cálculos previamente realizados, y lo único que se hace es mostrarlos gráficamente.

    Tal vez desees buscar el libro Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields, C. R. Paul, K. W. Whites and S. A. Nasar de la McGraw-Hill, donde me imagino debe estar explicado el método (bueno, supongo que no será el único libro donde se explique el método ).


    Don't wrestle with a pig in the mud. You'll both get dirty, but the pig will enjoy it. - Parafraseando a George Bernard Shaw


    • #3
      Re: efectos de borde

      También tienes ejemplos que vienen con el programa FlexPDE (este programa tiene una versión con licencia gratis para estudiantes). Usa el método de diferencias finitas para resolver la ecuación del potencial (incluida en los bordes).


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