estoy traduciendo un documental sobre "el tiempo". En el original inglés dice "...if you look at the universe, and if we try to draw a graph of space and time, and we follow the particles emerging from the Big Bang, they come out or this event 13,7 billion years ago. And at that even, all the particles were on top of each other and space had shrunk to no size at all, so the density was infinity. There is no space to talk about".
No entiendo la frase en rojo "la densidad era infinita?", "era el infinito"?
Muchas gracias.
estoy traduciendo un documental sobre "el tiempo". En el original inglés dice "...if you look at the universe, and if we try to draw a graph of space and time, and we follow the particles emerging from the Big Bang, they come out or this event 13,7 billion years ago. And at that even, all the particles were on top of each other and space had shrunk to no size at all, so the density was infinity. There is no space to talk about".
No entiendo la frase en rojo "la densidad era infinita?", "era el infinito"?
Muchas gracias.