Hola, he leído que ofrecen 8 becas en el Instituto de fisica interdisciplinar y sistemas complejos de Mallorca.
Os dejo la página por si a alguien le interesa: http://ifisc.uib-csic.es/grants/introifisc/. Además os copio y pego las condiciones para entrar en el sorteo de las becas:
La verdad es que si alguien posee los 120 ECTS debería pedir la beca. Es una oportunidad como pocas.
Un saludo!
Os dejo la página por si a alguien le interesa: http://ifisc.uib-csic.es/grants/introifisc/. Además os copio y pego las condiciones para entrar en el sorteo de las becas:
Article 3. RequirementsWhen sending the application, the candidate should have passed at least 120 ECTS of an
official degree in Science, obtaining a minimum average qualification of 6/10 or at least
60% of the maximum grade assigned to his/her studies. If the degree is followed in a nonECTS university, the candidate should have completed two full academic courses with an
average qualification of at least 60% of the maximum grade assigned to his/her studies.
official degree in Science, obtaining a minimum average qualification of 6/10 or at least
60% of the maximum grade assigned to his/her studies. If the degree is followed in a nonECTS university, the candidate should have completed two full academic courses with an
average qualification of at least 60% of the maximum grade assigned to his/her studies.
Un saludo!