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English room

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  • Welcome

    Hello, i create this group to incite people to speak in English. First, we should begin with the presentations.

    I am David. I study physics in the best university (Valencia). I like asian language, specially Japanese.
    "No one expects to learn swimming without getting wet"
    \displaystyle E_o \leq \frac{\langle \psi | H | \psi \rangle}{\langle \psi | \psi \rangle}

  • #2

    This is Metaleer, also known as Dani. I study at the world's best university (Málaga ). I like many things.


    • #3
      Greetings. My nick is pod and I'm a physicist. (Now you have to say all together "We love you pod"... specially brunettes, please.)
      La única alternativo a ser Físico era ser etéreo.


      • #4
        Hi, I don't speak english very well, but the google translator helps me
        pod, I LOVE YOU (sorry, I'm not a brunette)
        [TEX=null]k_BN_A \cdot \dst \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \dfrac{1}{k!} \cdot 50 \cdot 10_{\text{hex}} \cdot \dfrac{2\pi}{\omega} \cdot \sqrt{-1} \cdot \dfrac{\dd x} {\dd t } \cdot \boxed{^{16}_8\text{X}}[/TEX]


        • #5
          Hi everybody,

          I'm Gabriel, I study physics at the moment in the third best University, I see the first two places are reserved :P. I live in Barcelona since five years ago and I'm learning Catalan too, which I can speak, better than English of course .
          As it seems a good place to practice our English I propose we can attach some files, related with science in special, and talking about them... I don't know :P.

          But I think we could first of all beginning for saying what our nicks means or why we chose them.

          Well, I think I ought to begin :P. My nick becomes from my first name followed by my last name with both first and last letter and a hobby I had.

          See you!

          P.D.: Pod, we love you (I'm not brunette neither DD).
          [tex=English properties]\dst \begin{aligned}\frac 1 n \sin x = ?\\ \frac{1}{\not{n}}si\not{n}x=?\\ six=6\end{aligned}[/tex]


          • #6
            Hi guys,

            It's me... everybody meets me (at least virtually).

            I am physicist, I get my degree and my PhD in the best university around the world (Valencia, I didn't know this before, otherwise I would change to a more pedestrian one).
            I love bullshit physics in this forum but, of course, i don't love pod... he is very rude for my...

            Anyway, we are in touch...

            sigpic¿Cuántos plátanos hacen falta para enseñarle cuántica a un mono?


            • #7
              Hello everybody. I am a future physicist (I hope) living in Asturias. I think it was a great idea to create this group. Hope it have a good future.


              • #8
                Greetings! I was just surfing the web when I chanced upon this club. Not only do I think it's an excellent idea, but also, beyond a shadow of a doubt, we should encourage people to join this club for them to improve their English as it's the most important langauge as far as Science is concerned, at least nowadays.
                Well, just a little about me, I would like to become a physicist in the near future and I'm from Toledo, I do not have a very interesting life, pretty hectic though hehe. See you!
                ''No problem is too small or too trivial if we can really do something about it''
                Richard Feynman


                • #9
                  Hello I'm Cristina
                  I'm in 4 of the E.S.O. and I have 15 years my english is not very well but i like it very much in this club I hope to improve my English because with the translator can not go everywhere.
                  Kisses for everybody.


                  • #10
                    Congratulations!!! Very good group, but I can see still there are not many things. I am a physic student and I hope enjoy learniing physic in english.


                    • #11
                      Hi I'm Sophy


                      • #12
                        Hi I'm Harry.

                        I really like this club. i think is a great experience could practice our english while we meet others peoples.


                        • #13
                          hi! I so happy with this group because my english it's not very well.

                          I am a physic student


                          • #14
                            Hi, Thanks for this group, i think i´ll learn a lot of english here.


                            • #15
                              Hey!! I´m Yerko, glad to meet everyone. In order to learn English every day, which books are you reading? I so like the Pearson series for example...


                              English room

                              Acerca este grupo

                              A group to speak English.
                              Tipo: Público
                              Hilos: 3
                              Comentarios: 29


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